
Wish List | Films

One: I am really into horrifically ugly cardigans, and this one hits the nail on the head for me I think! It comes in a few different colors, but I thought this pale cream was the best (though the pink did catch my fancy...) - however at €85.00 I think this item will forever just stay on a 'wish' list!

Two: Mmmmm, overly expensive floral patterned dresses. My favorite part about this dress is the stitching around the neck, and the colors. Very summery but I think with the right thermal leggings and a cute scarf, it could be teamed up to be a very cute wintry outfit. €55.00 is a fair price to pay in my opinion - it really is beautiful!

Three: No words needed for these beauts. They are perfect. I am not sure how much they cost, nor do I want to know haha! Hope I can find a pair of boots similar to these at some point, they're really perfect.

Four: Really cute tights! They have the same but with moons on them - but I picked these for how thick they are! At £10.00 they're a little too pricey for basic tights - but they're dead cute so, who knows, maybe I'll buy em!

Five + Six + Seven: Models Own nail polish - Magenta Divine + Disco Mix + Matt Black! Lots of people have recommended me these and they REALLY are so beautiful! They're each only £5 and I'm actually thinking of spending some of my Christmas money on them, they really are quite stunning! I'll probably do some swatches/reviews if I do end up getting them! :)

So a vague outline of things going on in my life. At the moment I'm making my monthly 'Five Films I need to watch' list that I've planned to set myself throughout the year, the films are as follows:
  1. Green Hornet - I'm actually going to go see this in Paris at the English cinema when it comes out next week! I am EXCEEDINGLY excited. I love Seth Rogen and I'm pretty sure the film is going to be absolutely epic. Been waiting a long time for this one, pretty psyched!
  2. Platoon 
  3. The Breakfast Club - My friend Cal recommended that I watched this one, so I am gonna be checking it out!
  4. Masterminds - Okay so this is a tricky one. The only real reason I want to see it, is because of the fact it has Vincent Kartheiser (Peter Campbell from Mad Men) in it, playing a 'rebellious teenage boy'. The problem is that this film is ridiculously hard to find, and was one of the worst selling films of 1997 (making a whopping £76 - yes, £76 - in the U.K.) however I am going to make it my mission for not only this month, but the whole of 2011 to track this film down and watch it. I'll even review it for this very blog. What a glorious crapfest that is gonna be!
  5. American Graffiti
So, at the end of this month I'll do a review on all five films (four, if I can't find Masterminds) and tell you what I think!

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and not feeling too cold! I'm going to go watch my brand new Apocalypse Now DVD and drink some tea! <3 xxxx

2 commentaires:

  1. You can't go wrong with a bit of nail varnish loving ;)

    And the Breakfast Club is awesome, you'll love it! :D

  2. Oh phew, am I not the only one who hasn't seen Breakfast Club yet, then ? :b
